Dreaming: Manta Ray
Ebb, flow, wave retreat
Leap, cartilage wings give flight
Rippling caustics, swirl
One more I am taking to the Anthro con art show! This big boi is matted and wall ready. Super excited for this one.
Ebb, flow, wave retreat
Leap, cartilage wings give flight
Rippling caustics, swirl
One more I am taking to the Anthro con art show! This big boi is matted and wall ready. Super excited for this one.
Dice Jokes!
Table top gaming is something that has rapidly become part of the social lexicon. The use of random chance to help world and story build is truly a wonderful thing. (not to mention a chance to spend hours with friends!) As any dice goblin knows, sometimes the pretty clickity-clacks are deeply in your favor... or they despise you and your blood line. These stickers are tie in to the comments and jokes often told around a favorable roll, or a less than ideal one. |
Meditating Rabbit II, III, IV
Inhale deep, eyes down
Taste green and gold and yellow
Lungs vacant, red stars
A triptych I am bringing to Anthro con.
These figures are ones I return to again and again.
Inhale deep, eyes down
Taste green and gold and yellow
Lungs vacant, red stars
A triptych I am bringing to Anthro con.
These figures are ones I return to again and again.
Haggard's Bull
The Last Unicorn was a very formulative piece of media for me. I watched it obsessively as a small child. Like, every night. This ended when my mother hid it when I was around 4/5 (I was having reoccurring nightmares of being chased by the Red Bull, she meant well). This is a piece I have wanted to do for... honestly a long while. I don’t normally draw fan art. It is not a habit I got into during high school years. As an adult I can see and understand the Bull was a tool, not something that chose to do the bidding of king Haggard. The beast is just the cudgel, and most likely as imprisoned as the unicorns in the sea. |
Dreaming Anubis (small)
Watercolor & Ink A very small (under 3"x4") portrait of the one who weights souls. Anubis is a figure I have waffled about rendering honestly. I see so much work featuring this figure (blame furries). And many make them out to be... scary or domineering. Which I have not found to be accurate in reading translations of texts. Inpu (the Coptic name vs Greek one) reads as a kinder figure, a realist, and someone who just... weights the scales of your judgement. They handle the bodies of the dead. This is not something done lightly and in all cultures, something that is done with a somberness and respect. I am glad I decided to render them all the same. It super nice to finish up this small piece. I will be sending it off to the BLFC art show if a Patreon does not want to claim it first. I am planning to do a larger portrait of this god to match the Sekment I did back in 2020. |
Red Rabbit
Fan art? Congrats art? aspenceart reached 20k on Twitter, so I took the time to finished the Red Rabbit fan art. If you aren’t watching them you should def check them out! |
Lunar Moth/Transformation
Lunar Moth | Colored Pencil Excited for new works, a new year, and greater adventures. Even with the pandemic raging in there is space and time for growth. //Patrëøns saw this work before the rest of the world. Wanna see new works early? Consider joining my Patreon. www.patreon.com/ishaway // |
I am Dreaming (short comic)
I went on a internet deep dive about Laika, one of the Soviet dogs used in early space exploration. I know this work is less sad & terrible than reality, but the thought came to me & would not leave.
I went on a internet deep dive about Laika, one of the Soviet dogs used in early space exploration. I know this work is less sad & terrible than reality, but the thought came to me & would not leave.
Positivity Bunny
These comics have been keeping me rolling off and on throughout 2020-2022. This is a non-narrative comic is meant to uplift you a little bit in this current madness we are living thought, Be kind to yourself. You are here. These little comics are being uploaded weekly on my Patreon before they are posted to the wider internet on sites like Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram. |
Ancient Memes
Digital printed on vinyl “A beat from the depths of the Internet. Remember, there is always a fungus with a badger.” The sticker comes in 2 sizes, roughly 3”x3” (7.5cmx7.5cm) and roughly 5”x5” (12.7cmx12.7cm). These stickers are designed to be slighting transparent, meaning they will show patterns that are underneath them. These stickers can be purchased at: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1020589859/ancient-memes-sticker-sticker-water |
Boom boom boom
Boom boom boom First finished piece in 2021. Started in the late summer of 2020 while doing some reflective meditation, this piece has many elements I often feel when manifesting. The most notable is that I am waiting, for something to echo back from the cosmic void. I do not always know what I am waiting or listening for... but I feel I am waiting all the same. It can make meditation of this nature feel superficial... and like an act. I know it is not. But I feel like the waiting for an echo might make it so. The layered bit of this image comes from a sensation I get while in deep meditation. I can’t say it exactly like what I see, but it gives off a similar energy. This piece was supported on my Patreon www.patreon.com/ishaway |
These Voices Whisper | Elemental Vapor Sticker Set
The whispers of desert spirits smell like sun baked earth & cactus pollen. It is amazing how far these whispers reach... This set of four vinyl stickers are perfect for slapping some spooky vibes into your day to day life. Inspired by desert dust and tall cactus shadows, they feature a coyote, javelina, and cattle skull. Along with a vulture feather, for continued life. The set of four is available on my Etsy store front. Click here to purchase |
These Voices Whisper to me [beaver]
This piece has been... a journey. Begun in 2017 I believe, and picked at off and on. I wanted to see how well I could render a skull, and then add color glazes with oil around it. At least, that was the original concept of the work. Based on a photo I took while on a short film set in 2013. I was a log and capture editor and a prop wrangler. This meant I brought a hodgepodge of items to a set, to help construct things we might need. The film was done as part of the 48 hour film completion. The team scripted, shot, edited and submitted a film in a 48 hour period. Thus there was a mix of down time. This piece touches for me on how I interact with organic remains. There are many forms of organic remains. It can be bones, it can be twigs, it can be hair... hell it can even be stones if we want to get weird with it. Humans have always collected these things. I do as well, when I ethically and legally can. As a result, this monster of a piece evolved after I got the reference transferred to my surface. I solid board. I loved the feeling of laying down layers of graphite on a wood ground. The tactileness of it. The sounds connected with it. As the piece progressed I found myself hesitant. Mostly because I am not as versed and familiar with oils as I once was. They are more a stranger I need to remeet in order to work with. In the humid VA summers, they may not dry for months. Thus, a media change up to acrylics and colored pencils. Two things I know WILL dry and WILL let me work on them easily with gaps. As the COVID-19 quarantine deepened I just kept plugging along on works I hoped to have at Anthro Con 2020. I decided to not worry if the piece was not ready when the time came, just to work toward that goal. And now, in August, “These Voices Whisper to me” [beaver] is finished. Not pictured is the back of the piece, which is painted the bright teal of the sides. |
Dreaming: Eastern Zodiac
This is a project I am working on over on my Patreon! The goal is to have one animal finished a month.By the end of the year (January to January) the whole holy race will be finished. These will be posted on my Patreon first, and posted out to my other gallery sites about three weeks later. |
Live at Redrocks
Last summer I had the pleasure of seeing Weird Al Yankovic at Red Rocks with some friends.
The concert was amazing! Rooth asked if I was willing to do a piece inspired by the experience. I was of course, delighted to! Many hours & scribbles later, it is done.
I want to say a huge thank you to Rooth for being such a patient client. This piece has been roughly 6 months of work and explored things I do not often render.
There are a host of people I know in the crowd. Some of the characters are invented. Some are fanart. ;)
Last summer I had the pleasure of seeing Weird Al Yankovic at Red Rocks with some friends.
The concert was amazing! Rooth asked if I was willing to do a piece inspired by the experience. I was of course, delighted to! Many hours & scribbles later, it is done.
I want to say a huge thank you to Rooth for being such a patient client. This piece has been roughly 6 months of work and explored things I do not often render.
There are a host of people I know in the crowd. Some of the characters are invented. Some are fanart. ;)
Dreaming: Sehkmet
She comes, bringing warning and heart ache. Sekhmet is finally done. This piece has been a lot of little progress sessions and a blending of finish levels for me. The background went in a direction I was not entirely expecting. This piece was, an experience. I am not used to melding realism with the geometric nature of the Dreaming style. I am glad this melding worked. It feels great to see the textures and techniques. This piece was Patreon Supported! Patreon’s get to see most new works before they are shared elsewhere online. You also get to help support the space to make them! www.patreon.com/ishaway |
As of March 2020 many cities and states in the USA are dealing with the spread and containment of Corvid-19 in different ways. This includes social distancing and quarantines which are changing how many use their leisure time.
As a visual creative I have decided to offer what my skills are, visual distraction, in the form of coloring pages.
These pages are free. Download them, color them, enjoy! If you choose I would love to see the results on social media!
The current pages can can be downloaded at the link below.
As a visual creative I have decided to offer what my skills are, visual distraction, in the form of coloring pages.
These pages are free. Download them, color them, enjoy! If you choose I would love to see the results on social media!
The current pages can can be downloaded at the link below.
Dreaming: Whale Shark
This Patreon voted and supported piece is finished and ready for Anthro Con in a week!
Due to the shape I chose to mat and frame this piece rather than leave that to the buyer.
Interested in offering input on future works? Take a gander at my Patreon
This work has sold.
This Patreon voted and supported piece is finished and ready for Anthro Con in a week!
Due to the shape I chose to mat and frame this piece rather than leave that to the buyer.
Interested in offering input on future works? Take a gander at my Patreon
This work has sold.
Copper and Blood Drip
//Burnished and flashing, the wolf comes. Stalking my dreams with acrid intent. Copper and sparks falling from their tongue. Snap, snap, I am left gasping, as the vice closes. These dreams shake me, waking me, and leaving the taste of copper on my tongue. // This reclaimed skate board is reborn. Found in the Redwood groves in California this piece shimmered and thundered in. My Patreon supporters got to see this piece a week ago and follow along during its incarnation. www.patreon.com/ishaway |
Sancti Felis
Halos and prayer markers, Listening in a hush. A larger acrylic painting ready for the Anthro Con Art Show. Patreons got to see this piece a week before the rest of the world. www.patreon.com/ishaway This work has sold. |
Cosmic Drip and Button Dreams
These two images were a collaborative effort with the talented ArtofMaqueda. Both pieces touch into our love cosmic dust and childhood roots of early 90s art (Lisa Frank). |
Smoking Tiger Enamel Pin
These pins are finally in my mits! Inspired by Korean folklore, this luxurious enamel pin is now available among my convention wears. This pin is massive, 50 mm (2 inches wide) and has been standing up great to my first home wear test. I will have these pins at Anthro Con in July! Can’t wait til then? A number of them are also listed on my online store frowns! Etsy | Storeny |
Run noble prince, run far, run fast. Be aware, be listening, be swift. Know your people and yourself. A scan of the finished El-ahrairah image. This piece has a humming quality in person which is amazing and very hard to capture. ———- My Patreons got to see this work a week before the rest of the world. Want in on the action? Check out my Patreon! www.patreon.com/Ishaway This work has sold. |
Cosmic Fox
This little figure & others like them have existed around me since I was very young. They twist & arc like ribbons in a breeze. I love working on this intimate scale. It forces the viewer to get up close & really see. My Patreons got to see this piece last week. Want in on the action? Peep the link. www.patreon.com/Ishaway This work has sold. |
Mandala Caracal
This piece is one I have been picking at since October/November-ish of 2018. It has been slow going, but has finally clicked together wonderfully. The color mix and warmth of this piece hum more in person (the interference paints helps a lot with that too) ————-- My Patreon’s got to see this work a week before the rest of the world. intrested in becoming a Patreon? Check the link before for more information. www.patreon.com/Ishaway This work has sold. |
Dreaming: Wolf Song
It is nice having a Dreaming style piece finished in under four months. It was magical expanding on the combination of the Dreaming style with watercolors. I started this vein in Dreaming: Sol in 2018. I am delighted with how layered this piece became. This image will be with me at BLFC in the art show in May. —————-- Patreon got to peek at this piece a handful of days before the rest of the world. They also got updates along the way! Wanna check it out? Check the link. http://www.patreon.com/Ishaway |
Desert Vibes
A small Dreaming style painting, featuring everyone’s favorite yapping potato, the ‘yote. This piece was picked up and put down for most of 2018 (literally, I had the inks started last February) and now it is finally done. This piece will be at the BLFC Art Show in May! ------- This piece went live on my Patreon on February 28th |
Dream Visitor
The noble visitor is finally finished. This piece has been a wonderful ride and learning experience for me. I fall in and out of love with acrylics. They are fun, and can do things watercolor never can, but they are also scary and time consuming. This piece was no different. I played and pushed with UV layers and iridescent pigments a lot on this piece. Which resulted in wonderful in person interactions. Thank you to all you wonderful Patreons for joining me on this adventure. Ay we all burst into 2019 full of radiant glory. This work has sold. |
Dreaming: Sea Otter
This piece was done on a skateboard picked up in Seward, Alaska as part of a skateboard art show. While in Alaska one of my siblings was hunting for otter merch. They are one of her favorite animals. We literally found 3 things. One was a NWP style item, the other two were mugs. So I decided to paint an otter on this skateboard. |
Dreaming: Humpack
Another skateboard to add to the ever growing number I have painted. This one is not a standard skatedeck, but a long board. The shape of longs boards is very visually lovely to me. They glide and allow riders to move swiftly. Thus I painted a humpback whale, one of the most calming animals to watch swim. |
They come, With strange tea and a penchant for stories. Offering insight we can only hope to understand. They are Travelers. I feel I am finished with this fellow for now. These Travelers are figures I keep revisiting and hopefully understanding better. I am excited to share more of them with you all. --- Patreons got WIPS, early access to this image, and more! |
Enlightened Meditating Rabbit
Meditation leads to higher thought, expanding of the mind. Seated in a lilac colored lotus the white rabbit's aura shines with rainbow iridescence. The rainbow treated metal of the halo of this rabbit, paired with the purple lotus represent spiritual growth. This soft enamel pin is: -35 mm tall -Features a single pin, with butterfly clasp Pins can be purchased at my Etsy storefront! Due to the nature of the metal treatment each pin is slightly unique, with some leaning toward turquoise shades and others featuring more purples. This makes each pin just a little different, and just a little magical. The enamel colors are the same on each pin. |
Solar and Lunar Eclipse Kitsune
With all the Kickstarter rewards now sent out I have added the Lunar and Solar Eclipse Kitsune pins to my Etsy store! I will be bringing these pins with me to my summer conventions too! |
Dreaming: Sol
The sun rises, hot and powerful.
This piece has been at different phases of progress over 2017, leading to another image in the Dreaming Series. I have been wanting to do a detailed horse Dreaming piece.
This image was a lot of fun to work on. Salt on hot press paper is always a trip.
Patreons got access to this post 2 days earlier than the rest of the world.
This work has sold.
The sun rises, hot and powerful.
This piece has been at different phases of progress over 2017, leading to another image in the Dreaming Series. I have been wanting to do a detailed horse Dreaming piece.
This image was a lot of fun to work on. Salt on hot press paper is always a trip.
Patreons got access to this post 2 days earlier than the rest of the world.
This work has sold.
Coyote Woman Listening
A small watercolor started in December 2017. The imagery of the Coyote Woman has been a presence in my early life and has only continued. Some versions of the myth present a woman who agrees to marry Coyote if he can come back from death 3 times. Some I was exposed to earlier have a woman who can skin change. Watercolor, colored pencil, interference paint on watercolor paper |
Behind the Milky Way
Journey far, listen Seeing beyond the Milky Way's shadow To inhale vapors. I am here to find; Taste fennel, smell clover Where visions are born My last finished piece of 2017. Started after a strange dream and rumbling purrs of odd guides. I am setting intentions for 2018. May yours be full of fire, tenacity, and deep seated strength. |
Golden Shall
Wrapped in gold, lead Feel the paradigm shift forward The sun return grows all This year I finished a winter holiday image. I am not a practitioner of any of the monotheistic faiths; as a result the majority of holiday card motifs are ones I do not wish to propagate. So I rendered out my own. Solstice will be at 11:28 Am December 21st this year. Bring joy the light, and end the long nights. I have ordered a small amount of cards with this image to bring with me to MFF, and send out to friends and family. |
Hungry Gods...
These gods are hungry, rumble Flesh and love starved they hunt In dreams they come, hungry This piece thundered out like a hurricane. I am very glad the sketch book the rough lived in fell on my foot a couple of weeks ago so that I could render this piece out. This is a Patreon supported piece. Want to help me make more like it? Check out the link! |
Inktober 2017
Another year, another Inktober exercise. I focused on botanical illustrations for the first part of the month and branched out for a visual break near the end of the month. I only scan and clean up a selection of my Inktobers for online galleries. For the rest, check out my Twitter or Instragram. |

Death Promises
The Black Rabbit of Inel has become a source of inspiration for me... for over a year now. A figure of death and thus balance, the imagery surrounding him in popular culture is both touching and macabre.
Featured here with stinging nettle and white clover flowers, the Black Rabbit of Inel promises death.
March and April have become less painful for me (connected to the sudden loss of two pets in 2015). Working through those feelings of mourning through creative works has been a healthy release.
This piece was Patreon supported
The Black Rabbit of Inel has become a source of inspiration for me... for over a year now. A figure of death and thus balance, the imagery surrounding him in popular culture is both touching and macabre.
Featured here with stinging nettle and white clover flowers, the Black Rabbit of Inel promises death.
March and April have become less painful for me (connected to the sudden loss of two pets in 2015). Working through those feelings of mourning through creative works has been a healthy release.
This piece was Patreon supported
Out run the Dogs
The fruit of a collaborative project with a local art friend, turned collab auction. He did the digital base, I transferred to paper to ink and paint it. It has been a long while since I have done a project this large, and after a couple of less than glamorous starts the piece is finally complete. A long over due commission for a very patient client, Cyrix. |
Only the most recent images are displayed here, chronicling approximately 7-12 months of finished works at a time.
A fully back dated gallery can be found on Weasyl or Furaffinity | For more fluid updates please visit thedrawingunicorn, a sketch blog, or my Instagram
A fully back dated gallery can be found on Weasyl or Furaffinity | For more fluid updates please visit thedrawingunicorn, a sketch blog, or my Instagram